The Art of Sewing
All Classes: Bring your own machine or use one of ours. We offer classes for domestic home sewing and industrial sewing machines. One-on-one classes are available or small group classes. We all learn differently. Classes work for ages 8 to 80! Located at 16 Bath Road, Unit 102b.
Master Your Sewing Machine
- Learn how to use your sewing machine, and all the basics to get you started. Bring your machine with all it’s parts or use one of ours.
- Class includes supplies and Fun!
- One-on-one available: 2.15 hrs, $60.00 + HST.
- 2-3 people Maximum: 3 hrs, $40.00 + HST each
Learn more skills (must know how to operate a sewing machine)
- 10-15 sewing techniques and samples covering alterations, hemming, zippers, creativity & more.
- Class includes supplies and Fun!
- One-on-one: 2 hours, $60.00 + HST
- 2-4 people maximum: 3 hrs, $40.00 + HST each
How to Alter a Pattern
- Everybody’s preferences and bodies are unique.
- Learn to change a pattern to fit YOU.
- One-on-one, 2 hours $60.00 + HST + pattern
- 2 people $40.00 + HST each + pattern

How to Follow a Pattern
- Sew much to know! Sew confusing!
- Let us help make it easy with simple instructions & techniques.
- Pick your pattern and let’s make it. And yes, there is homework!
- One-on-one: 3 classes, 2 hours, $120.00 + HST + pattern & fabric
- 2 people: 3 classes, 3 hours, $90 + HST each + pattern & fabric
Sew-help-me, I’m in! Let’s do all 6 classes
- Sewing Special: buy 5 classes, get one free.
- One-on-one: $300.00 + HST
- 2 people: $240.00 + HST each
Specialty Classes
- Sign up for our sewing class monthly schedule
- Larger Classes and Sewing Bees
Professional Sewing Certificates Coming Soon
Alterations & Repairs
Fashion Design
Production Sewing
Funding Acknowledgement
SewHelpful! is supported by the My Main Street program, the Canadian Urban Institute and the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario)